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What Would You Like to Know?

What are the Employer’s requirements for hiring a Migrant Domestic Worker in Singapore?

According to MOM, to hire an MDW, you must:

  • Be 21 years old and above

  • Not be an undischarged bankrupt

  • Have the mental capacity to fully understand and discharge your responsibility as an employer

  • Have the financial ability to hire, maintain and upkeep the MDW in an acceptable accommodation

  • If you are a first time MDW employer, you must attend an Employer Orientation Programme (EOP) before you apply for a MDW

What is the Employers' Orientation Programme?

The Employers’ Orientation Programme is a 3-hour programme that will help you understand your role and responsibilities as an employer of a migrant domestic worker (MDW). First-time employers must complete the EOP at least 2 working days before submitting a Work Permit application.

What is the Settling-In Programme?

The Settling-In Programme (SIP) is a 1-day orientation programme for first-time MDWs to educate them on safety precautions and living in Singapore.

The topics covered include:

  • Introduction to Singapore.

  • Employment conditions.

  • Safety at home.

  • Safety in other areas.

  • Relationship and stress management.

What is a security bond?

A security bond is a binding pledge to pay the government (up to $5,000) if you break the law or the conditions governing the employment of a helper. You need a bond for every helper you employ, unless she is a Malaysian.
Bonds usually take the form of an insurance. The insurers guarantee to pay the government should you break the rules; then the insurers pursue you for the money. You must not ask your helper to pay for the bond.

When the bond will be discharged?

You will be discharged from the security bond liability only if you meet all of these conditions:

  • You have cancelled the Work Permit.

  • The helper has returned home.

  • You did not breach any of the conditions of the security bond.

  • If all conditions are met, the security bond will usually be discharged one week after your helper left Singapore.

  • You’ll be notified by post when the security bond is discharged.

When the bond will be forfeited?

Your security bond may be forfeited if:

  • You or your helper violate any of the conditions of the Work Permit or security bond.

  • You don’t pay her salary on time.

  • You fail to send her back when her Work Permit is expired, revoked or cancelled, or if she goes missing.

  • If the helper goes missing, half of the security bond ($2,500) will be forfeited if you have made reasonable effort to locate her and have filed a police report.


You will not be liable for your helper’s violations (such as those relating to pregnancy) if you can prove that you have:

  • Informed her of the Work Permit conditions she must comply with.

  • Reported a violation when you first become aware of it.

What is the foreign worker levy?

The foreign worker levy, commonly known as “levy”, is a pricing mechanism to regulate the number of foreign workers in Singapore. As an employer, you don’t have to pay Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for your helper. However, you must pay a monthly levy for her.

If your helper is a first-time MDW, the levy will begin on the 5th day of her arrival(including the arrival date). Otherwise, the levy will begin the next day after she arrives. The levy ends when the Work Permit is cancelled or expires.

What is the current levy rate?

The current levy rate for MDWs is $300/month. However, you can qualify for a levy concession rate of $60 if :

  • You have a Singaporean citizen child or grandchild below 16 years old living with you.

  • You or your spouse are Singaporean aged 65 or above. You are also eligible if one of you is a Singapore citizen and the other is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years or above who is living at the same NRIC-registered address.

  • You or your spouse has a Singaporean parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law who is 65 years or above living with you. You are also eligible if you or your spouse is a Singapore citizen and the aged person (relationship as defined above) is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years or above who is living at the same NRIC-registered address as you.

  • You or a family member has a medical condition, you can apply to AIC's Singapore Silver Pages (SSP) for a levy concession under the PWD scheme. You or your family member must be certified by an authorised healthcare professional as someone who needs permanent help in at least 1 ADL, e.g. showering, feeding, dressing or toileting.

Can an employer keep a worker's passport?

Employers should not keep the passports of their migrant workers or migrant domestic workers (MDWs). They should also not force their workers to give them their passport.

The passport belongs to the bearer and the issuing authority of the bearer’s country/region of origin.

According to the Passports Act, it is an offence to keep or withhold any passport which does not belong to you. Visit MOM website for more information. 

Can an employer hold on to a migrant worker's Work Permit card?

No. The Work Permit card is issued to the worker, and must be held by the worker at all times for proper identification. As an employer, you must not keep the Work Permit cards of your migrant workers or migrant domestic workers. You should also not force your workers to give you their Work Permit cards. Likewise, workers should not ask their employers to keep their Work Permit cards for them. Visit MOM website for more information.

Still have doubts or questions? Feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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